Using the polishing items in the notes HERE I did the example below:
Here are is a before shot:
I am trying to show the firing pin face in this one. Notice the grooves:
General Cleaning / Shine polish to all areas. Careful not to remove too much from the YELLOW areas and the firing pin tip.
The Face area is what you want to get butt ass smooth.
All Documents posted on this site are for informational use only. If you make ANY modifications to your Weapons based on this site, you do at your own risk! If done incorrectly, you can render you weapon unsafe and / or unusable.
Glass Plate as a work Surface, Anything hard and flat
Thin Foam
Straight on the glass surface:
320 takes the longest
On glass surface with foam under sandpaper:
6000 purple belt
Cordless Dremel;
14000 grit diamond compound
It will look like a rainbow, seeing copper and nickle is normal
All Documents posted on this site are for informational use only. If you make ANY modifications to your Weapons based on this site, you do at your own risk! If done incorrectly, you can render you weapon unsafe and / or unusable.
When polishing any small part like the Glock safety plunger using buffung wheels on my grinder the part would at times go flying out and get damaged or temporarly lost. To help with that I create and print the Glock Safety Plunger Holder. I have different versions for different models and generations:
Plunger Holder.stl:
Gen 5:
Plunger Holder Shallow.stl
Gen 5:
Plunger Holder with Lip.stl – I am testing this one out. I added the lip to see if it would help hold the Glock Safety Plunger a bit better…
Plunger Holder G43 G48.stl
Plunger Holder G43 G48 Shallow.stl
Plunger Holder G43 G48 Reverse.stl
Plunger Holder G43 G48 Reverse Shallow.stl
I usually print these up when I have just a bit of filament left. Then toss it in a drawer till needed.
All Documents posted on this site are for informational use only. If you make ANY modifications to your Weapons based on this site, you do at your own risk! If done incorrectly, you can render you weapon unsafe and / or unusable.